
Me & Mop

So earlier this month I attended BarCampLA4, which was a blast.  If you haven't attended a BarCamp event and like any two of the following: tech, nerds, learning, sharing, or free beer - then you should definitely make it out to the next BarCamp in your area.

cjl_and_mop-BarCampLA4_smallFor this particular BarCamp we had a fantastic chap by the name of Mr. Dave Bullock of eecue.com fame snapping portraits of everyone there.  He was even kind enough to play along and take this American Gothic-esque photo of me and said mop, that by the way wreaked of death.

Anyway, I think it should be obvious that I've found my new avatar of choice until the next picture is snapped of me being a jackass.

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