As a rabid technophile, and systems/information architect I welcome our new Google App overlords and look forward to consuming their new
App Platform. But then again, in the spirit of full disclosure, I’ve been drinking the software-as-a-service Kool-Aid for quite some time. But just because the brain-trust that is Google is providing a platform doesn’t solve every underlying problem.
Stacey Higginbotham on
Gigaom postulates:
“It could also cause problems for startups such as online storage company ElephantDrive”
But the truth of the matter is that the exact opposite is true. At ElephantDrive we have created systems and infrastructure to provide global access to a secure, archival-grade version of your data, no matter what device you created it on. That means we encapsulate: encryption; file differentiation; global de-duplication; access logic with credentials; and an entire sharing platform. Google’s platform doesn’t displace us, it just gives us one more potential bucket to use as underlying storage for our product - our infrastructure is still the most relevant and necessary piece of the puzzle. But then again, I’m clearly biased. :)
And we support files
larger than 1MB already. Hooray! :D
ElephantDrive BlogJose Miguel Cansado at Tech-Talk BizMarshall Kirkpatrick at ReadWriteWeb