So the piracy war wages on in Sweden. On the one hand I understand what their intention is, and what their issues are. I do not hide the face that I believe the DMCA is a horrible piece of legislation, not to mention half the shit in the Patriot Act. But at the risk of invoking a dedicated Carnivore server to my blog and laptop, I shall cease ramble.
Regardless of your persuasion and thoughts towards copyright, I suggest reading up on what's going on up around the arctic circle. These pieces in Wired really caught my eye:
A Nation Divided Over Piracy
Wired's overview of the piracy camps in Sweden
Secrets of the Pirate Bay
Background on the Pirate Bay.
Letters between the MPAA and a Swedish Politician
Did I mention that I like the Swedes? FWIW, if I were a registered Swedish voter, I would most likely be a card-carrying member of the Pro-Pirate party - even if their approach is a touch misguided.
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