
Halo 3 and Xbox 360 Pro System: I want them now!

So tonight I was lucky enough to receive my Halo 3 Beta invite. Yes, that's right - you can all eat your heart out.

I played Halo 2 for almost an hour at E3 six months before it was released. Then in November 2004 (on release night) I proceeded to play Halo 2 for 3 days straight with a fellow group of asshats. We've amassed a collection of projectors, 8' portable screens, LCD monitors, and all the gear to connect it so that we can shove 12 guys in a room and play for hours (if not days) straight. We call ourselves 'Killtacular Whores'. Fortunately Bungie has allowed my fun nerdiness to continue.

But in tonight's invite I was furious to learn that it requires an "Xbox 360 Pro console or an Xbox 360 Core console with hard drive". I own neither, I own an Xbox 360 Premium console (and it'll be one that works as soon as Best Buy honors my PRP and takes back my 2005 manufacture date, red-light-ring goodness).

I was even lucky enough to attend Zero Hour out in the middle of the Mojave Desert last year (and have the face plate to prove it). Thanks Microsoft, I feel one degree closer to Major Nelson.

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Anonymous said...

Pro = Premium


cj said...

You are too quick to assume. Perhaps Pro = Pro and Premium = Premium. What then 'retard'?