I'm going back on the wagon. It was four awesome years of meat and dairy free goodness. If you read this blog (which you don't) then you may have read my post earlier today Coal: It's What's for Dinner.
Lately (6 months or so) I've been eating some of the shit that I swore off. It was under the guise of an editorial I read (or thought I read) in Saveur Magazine some time ago. The gist: an old Chinese grandmother who was on her deathbed and she was craving all the foods that she had sworn off: meat especially. That struck a cord with me - sure maybe I could live to be strong and healthy, and live to 200 years old - but if all I get to eat is sand and grass, what's the point. I like food - a lot. I mean, look at me. :-o
Well I'm jumping back in head first - inspired by what I read and wrote about coal above; the awesome reads of Diet for a New America and Fast Food Nation that still haunt my brain; and my general lethargic shitty feeling lately.
What dose this mean? Well, Intellitarianism (or Intellarianism - I haven't decided what to call it yet) is coming. It's not a fad, it's not a lose-weight-quick-scheme. It's eating smart, eating for you, eating for life.
Want to know more? Keep your eyes peeled. If you are anxious, inquire within.