
Comcast's Simultaneous PPV Movie Release Service

This idea is tantalizing, I for one am all for it. I would happily pay $30-$50 to let my friends come over and watch the latest flick while enjoying some good food, and not theater "I-can-believe-it's-not-butter" crap. But I also have to believe that the actual bottom-line loss would be significant, at least from the consumer’s dollar-out perspective. I have no idea how much of my $14 a screening makes it back to the studio (I’m assuming all of it – where concessions keep the theaters' lights on).

The idea behind "simultaneous release" is that technology—in particular, bandwidth to the home—has advanced to the point where day-and-date distribution of new films is not only technically feasible, but desirable. The durability on the side of consumers stems from growing dissatisfaction with the movie-going experience, and Hollywood's interest is where it always is: on the money.

The piracy on this would be rampant, which gives me some ideas for solutions.  I’m also assuming that this would be over Comcast's current PPV/VOD system, at least to start, and not IP (open or closed).  Anyone have any more info or thoughts about this?

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