
Online Marketing: CPM's for Dummies

Nice article from our friends at the Economist explaining a bit about the online ad word - past, present and future. While not complete, it's a good overview for all you non-nerd technophiles (of which exactly zed read this).

"John Wanamaker, a devoutly Christian merchant from Philadelphia, who in the 1870s not only invented department stores and price tags (to eliminate haggling, since everybody should be equal before God and price), but also became the first modern advertiser when he bought space in newspapers to promote his stores. He went about it in a Christian way, neither advertising on Sundays nor fibbing (thus minting the concept of “truth in advertising”). And, with his precise business mind, he expounded a witticism that has ever since seemed like an economic law: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted,” he said. “The trouble is, I don't know which half.”

The ultimate marketing machine

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