
VM Pranksters.

I know you don't read my blog.  I know you didn't read my insightful posts about Callwave or GrandCentral.  It's ok, I'll get over it. :sigh:

But ponder this:  it would be pretty easy for someone to make a simple voicemail app with a computer and a cheap VM card (like an old Dialogic for instance).  You could then set it up to mimic a voicemail system.  Taking what we learned during the Callwave setup, you could easily forward their VM to this new system.  The system could take the message for the call, encode it, and email it.  It could also play back the message through an interface when the cell phone holder calls in (detectable via CallerID - again just as CallWave does).  Ok, great - who cares.  You just created a voicemail system.

Well, tweak a couple settings: make versions of the thing sound like Cingular and T-Mobile; put voice messaging so the first time someone calls in to check their VM it "walks" them through the VM setup process again, etc.  Now you have an awesome stealth VM system.  Thanks to CallWave (and TechGSM) we can easily point an unsuspecting owner's phone to this VM system in less than 1 minute.  They would never be the wiser.

Want to know if your husband is cheating on you?  Want the inside scoop on your competitors doings?  Simply pay a hot blonde to walk up to your mark in a bar, make small talk and ask to borrow said mark's phone to call her hot, lesbian friends.  No one would ever be the wiser.  I don't know about you, but I lend my phone to just about anyone.  Perhaps I should stop doing that.

Perhaps you should stop pissing me off and start reading my blog.  Otherwise I'll be in yur ph0ne, hearin' your v0ic3ma1ls.

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